Kavanagh's Parnassus

Brendan Lynch
Grand Canal

The grand canal hides an incredible literary heritage. Above all, to Patrick Kavanagh, the canal was a home. Famously, it was here that he had an epiphany about life and beauty which led to his 'rebirth' and his final brilliant collections of poetry.

Fakes and Manners - Temper-Mental MissElayneous Mangan's Darkness - Gerry Lee
Kavanagh's Parnassus Location

More about Brendan Lynch

Brendan has led a remarkably colourful life. Working as a clerk in Dublin he met many of great Dublin authors, including Kavanagh and Behan. Moving to London he became a disciple of philosopher Bertrand Russel, and was imprisoned for anti-nuclear protest. In later years he entered motor racing before moving into racing journalism. He has written five books - the latest is the fantastic 'Prodigals and Geniuses', a comprehensive look at the many writers and artists of the Baggot Street area of Dublin. For more info see http://brendanlynch.ie/.