Peadar tells us a wonderful poem inspired by his grand father and having one too many in a local establishment on Capel Street.

More about Peadar O'Donoghue
Peadar is the creator and currator of The Poetry Bus. It started as a weekly writing task on the totalfeckineejit blogspot, just something to add a little spark to Monday, the worst day of the week. A few people joined in and a few more and soon we were many, people came and went and it was a different journey every week.It put us in mind of passengers on a bus sharing their stories, and so the online Poetry Bus was born.The standard of some of the poems was very high and yet hardly any of us had ever been published.It seemed to me that a lot of poets were getting overlooked and that we needed a new magazine with new ideas and equal opportunities for all, and so The Poetry Bus Magazine was born!