Fakes and Manners
Rapping, rhyming, bodhran-beating, lilt-lulling performing artist Temper-Mental MissElayneous gives us a fantastic poem Fakes and Manners provoked from her experiences of being a teenager in the city centre.

More about Temper-Mental MissElayneous
I called mySelf Temper-Mental when i was 14....and MissElayneous arrived later on in life, aged 19. I'd been escorted to higher planes of consciousness, by sound, from a young age. I wrote poems and made statements with the same ease as eating or breathing. I was ridiculed, parallal to respected, in 4th class for my "alternative" taste and moral ethics. Those principled ideas and motives were moulding who Elayne would evolve to become. From Finglas, where i would've occupied a solitary corner, lane-way, horse-box or a rear end , top deck of a bus to town, harassing my cousin for a beatbox to accompany my amateur, yet not so adolescent rhymes. I travelled from place to place bringing my art, pocketed sometimes, concealed in shyness or supressed as result of poor confidence....other times ; bore naked and fearless, self-assured and unwavering. Loving the listener by contributing expression and emotion to each exhalation. I plugged in age 15, mic in hand.The mirror was my audience. Those school-mitching, penciled philosophies were beyond their years of maturity, with a rawness in their content. It all started with reading sleeves, connecting the dots with labels, age 11, easter egg exchange. Me and my cousin Nicola, now : "'A-ToNic" , would race to the end of verses and quote hiphop history. I met Rob the Law. By "chance". It was destiny. Maher would make music with his mouth, we would sync rhythm-wise, collecting ears on drunken streets. Davey would break me down so i would build mySelf again. I would venture out into the withching hour to tag my familiar concrete. I started beat-boxing in the shower, I ate, drank, slept and dreamt Music...Hiphop was a thick thread in that fabric of my conscious. I grew interested in all 4 elements.... I dug for gold (vinyl)...I meditated to beats and mimicked tongues. I started to 'babyfreeze' alongside moments of elation through bodhran rhythm coming naturally to me. Nothing had ever come easy. But this was organic. Dwelling inside the deepest part of my soul. I was marrying Irish culture to this American independent cultural movement. That was a gift from 'Lunitic'. I persisted and persevered with alliteration and what the cirriculum formally titled "literary devices". My only true intentional poetic tool was the truth and was going to evolve deeper and deeper, so that people started listening. They were Hearing the message. I was struggling through circumstances....this was my reality. Exerting mass pressure on me. Rhythm and Lyricism would be the bolt croppers to set me free from myself. T.M.M. was born. http://temper-mentalmisselayneous.bandcamp.com/ https://www.facebook.com/Tempermentallyill