Ode to the Coalman

Colm Keegan
Wood Quay

Poet Colm Keegan remembers a strange and frightening figure who was often seen in this area during his childhood - and became a fantastical figure in the minds of kids growing up.

The hole there in the floor - Kalle Ryan On Raglan Road - Stephen James Smith
Ode to the Coalman Location

More about Colm Keegan

Colm Keegan is a wonderfully fiery and superbly talented poet from Dublin. He was All Ireland poetry slam champion in 2010, and recently performed in the play 'Three Men Talking About Things They Kinda Know About' His first collection is available to buy - http://salmonpoetry.com/details.php/?ID=258&a=219 - and is absolutely worth a look. We know he hates being called 'raw' so we'll just say he's..um.. a poet who writes vivid and uncompromising pieces that bustle with energy and stick with you for a long time after reading.