Hold me closer Tiny bouncer

Tiny James
The Dice Bar

Hailing all the way from Africa, Tiny James is an actor, stand up comic, bouncer and an all round gentleman. In this funny and frank interview Tiny explains the difference in the drinking cultures of Ireland and his own country Nigeria, he tells us some of the tricks of the bouncing trade and some things that happened on the job! Check out his website www.tinyjames.com, buy a t-shirt and make sure you say hello if you ever see him about, the man is a legend!

You're too good' - Maureen Grant The Blind Grapevine - Alan Carroll
Hold me closer Tiny bouncer Location

More about Tiny James

Tiny james was christened 'Tiny' in the attic studio in Dublin when he started acting. He's a wonderfully magnanimous and charismatic bouncer, actor and comedian. As an actor he's appeared on the show 'Raw' and the feature film 'Between the canals'. Check out his site - tinyjames.ie.