Ferdia fights Cú Chulainn

Richard Marsh
Setanta Centre

Richard Marsh recounts the story of Ferdia's fight with Cú Chulainn which took place while Cú Chulainn was defending Ulster in Irish legend. He was forced into fighting single combat against his best friend Ferdia, and the three day fight that occurred is both poignant and stirring.

Sculptor - Kerrie O'Brien Distant Music - Noel O'Grady
Ferdia fights Cú Chulainn Location

More about Richard Marsh

Author, Bardic Storyteller and Tour Guide, Richard blends the beauty of the old Celtic verse with the stories of the legendary heroes of Ireland. Richard is a featured storyteller in the History Channel’s 5-part series Celtic Myths and his tours will leave you astounded as he leads small groups to prehistoric, historical and legendary sites to tell stories of magic and mystery. http://www.richardmarsh.ie/