
Wonderland Theatre

This scene from Counterparts is taken from Wonderland's Dubliners, an epic audio walk where you tour the locations of James Joyce's Dubliners on headphones, with the text of his classic stories, told and performed for you by actors such as these, playing in your ears. Walking tours are available daily from the James Joyce Centre.Please see for more details.

Parson's Bookshop - Brendan Lynch Dirty Penelope - At It Again
Counterparts Location

More about this story

Joyce wrote Dubliners, a collection of 15 stories based around the city, as a depiction of the paralysis - moral and economic of the country as a whole. As he himself wrote to his publisher: 'I seriously believe that you will retard the course of civilisation in Ireland by preventing the Irish people from having one good look at themselves in my nicely polished looking glass.' Counterparts deals with Farrington - a brutal alcoholic who tries to escape his dull existence through pubcrawling.