The Dolocher

Brendan Nolan

A terrifying monster once stalked the streets of Dublin, seen as a great black devil pig. Brendan Nolan, an expert storyteller and author of the upcoming 'Dublin Folk Tales', tells the chilling and surprising story of the Dolocher.

'A Benign Influence' - Naoise Ó Muirí House on Haunted Hill - Shane Whisker
The Dolocher Location

More about Cornmarket

This area was formerly known as 'Hell'. As one source remembers 'This was certainly a very profane and unseemly soubriquet, to give to a place that adjoined a Cathedral whose name was Christ Church; and my young mind, when I first entered there, was struck with its unseemliness. Yes; and more especially, when over the arched entrance there was pointed out to me the very image of the devil, carved in oak'. Its fame as a peculiar spot spread across Europe and the Scottish poet Robbie Burns even wrote of it '‘But this that I am gean to tell, / Which lately on a night befell / Is just as true as the dell’s in hell, / Or Dublin city.’