The Bullet Book

Jason McElligott
Marsh's Library

When most people think of Marsh's Library they think of it in terms of the 18th or 19th century, here the new keeper of the books Dr. Jason McElligott tells us the fascinating story of how the library got caught up in the Easter Rising and the events that lead up to some of the books being wounded.

Kathleen Lynn - Dr. Mary McAuliffe The Great Whiskey Fire - Las Fallon
The Bullet Book Location

More about Marsh's Library

Founded in 1701, Marsh's Library has remained unchanged for three centuries. The Queen Anne building, with its original oak bookcases, houses more than 25,000 rare and interesting books. The Library, built in 1701 by Archbishop Narcissus Marsh (1638-1713), was the first public library in Ireland. It was designed by Sir William Robinson (d.1712) the Surveyor General of Ireland, and is one of the very few 18th century buildings left in Dublin that is still being used for its original purpose. Many of the collections in the Library are still kept on the shelves allocated to them by Marsh and by Elias Bouhéreau, the first librarian, when the Library was opened. For more information visit: