House on Haunted Hill

Shane Whisker
Cork Hill

To celebrate Halloween we dopped on to the Gravediggers Ghost Bus tour to hear one of Dublin's greatest and scariest ghost stories set in a haunted house in Cork Hill. Terrifying stuff!

The moth that fits the slipper - Josie Sheehan Don Patricio - Richard Fitzpatrick
House on Haunted Hill Location

More about Shane Whisker

The Gravedigger Ghost Bus Tour! - Sight, sound, smell and taste just got horrible! The tour starts at Trinity College where your guide will transport you back some 600 years ago to when the old Augustinian Priory and of course the plague house were there. But just ignore the coughing and listen to his tales of a plague-ravaged Dublin as we explore the weird and wonderful events that have taken place in times gone by, unearthing legends and ghosts from Dublin's past.