Hell Hath no fury like a late lord

Eamonn McLoughlin
Cow Lane

A mad little story about the actions of one the Hell Fire Clubs most notorious members Lord Santry as told by Eamonn McLoughlin.

Strongbow's mini-me - Lesley-Anne Carey St Nicholas without - Pat Liddy
Hell Hath no fury like a late lord Location

More about this story

Possibly the most violent and outrageous member of Dublin's notorious Hellfire Club, Lord Santry's crimes eventually caught up with him later in life. In 1738 he was in Pamerstown and drunkenly attempted to attack a gentleman named Humphreys. When his sword got stuck he grew enraged, and wandered into the back of the tavern. He met a tavern boy called Laughlin Murphy and ran him through with his now-unstuck sword. As a result he was sentenced to death, one of the very few noblemen to be tried by convicted by his peers.