Flann's Final Fanfare

Val O' Donnel
Pearse Street

Val O'Donnel tells the story of Flann O'Brien and his campaign over Andy Clarkin's clock in the 1950's. The conflict between Ireland's greatest humorist and the Lord mayor, over this Pearse street clock, is one of the many hidden literary stories of the city

Dirty Penelope - At It Again Fakes and Manners - Temper-Mental MissElayneous
Flann's Final Fanfare Location

More about this story

Flann O'Brien is today revered as Ireland's greatest comic writer, whose delightful grasp of the absurd was mixed with a mischievous wit to create a series of literary masterpieces. He was blighted by bad luck throughout his career - the publishing house for 'At Swim Two Birds' was bombed during the war, and his second novel 'The Third Policeman' was rejected, leading Flann to pretend he had lost it. The novel, published posthumously, was greeted with great acclaim and recently saw a surge in international sales after a mention on the tv series 'Lost'