Dirty Penelope

At It Again
Eccles Street

The 'At it Again' group perform an irreverent and sprightly rendition of the juiciest parts of Molly Bloom's monologue. The final chapter in James Joyce's Ulysses, the vibrant sexuality shocked many on its release. We filmed and recreated some of the works in none other than Mattress Mick's bed shop on Pearse street.

Heatwave - Daniel Ryan The Lost Children - Paula Meehan
Dirty Penelope Location

More about At It Again

The 'At it again' performance group are dedicated to bringing Joyce's Ulysses to life with humour, wit and surreal invention, especially keen to pay homage to the vivid exploration of sexuality which is often downplayed by enthusiasts. As well as performances, they also publish the bloomsday survival kit - the must have guide to enjoying the day - and host raunchy interactive screenings of the 1967 Ulysses