A horrible little man'

Cathal McGuire
The Luas

Cathal Mcguire tells a funny story on the Red line Luas in Dublin, about a time when a dwarf and a granny locked horns. Cathal can often be found telling stories at Milk & Cookies stories

Don't Fence me in - Kevin Gildea Not a bother on him' - Gerry Cowan
A horrible little man' Location

More about Cathal McGuire

Launched in 2004 the luas (meaning fast in Irish) is a tram system operating around Dublin. A variety of nicknames abound but none have stuck: 'the daniel day' (after the actor Day-Lewis), Snail on the rail, the walz, the Jerry Lee. In case you were curious the dis-embodied voice of the Luas is Doireann NĂ­ Bhriain, who hosted the 1981 Eurovision Song Contest.